Online IPTV (Digital Television TV + Radio) Cracked IPA

The best Online TV Video Player app you can find!

Now you can watch you preferred TV channels and online videos wherever you are. Just turn on your Wi-Fi or 3G/4G/LTE and you are ready.
Imagine you want to watch your favourite soccer team while you are at beach, it could be fantastic!

- Link paste button
- Buttons auto fade out after 5 seconds
- Free Live Chat
- Chat audio messages in app purchase
- Possibility to ignore chat users
- Report chat abuse to server button
- Speech assistant
- Full Screen
- Stretch screen to fit button
- Record screen with webcam support in app purchase
- Airplay supported
- Chromecast supported
- Radio stream player with spectrum analyzer

- Record iAP Info:
How to record (ONLY iOS >= 9.0) :
1) Press the record button to start recording.
2) Play a video
3) Press the record button again to stop recording
4) Edit the recorded video and choose to save or delete

Codecs supported :
- m3u8, mp4, avi, mov, rtmp, mms, ts
